Ambit Network produces and curates high quality materials related to childhood traumatic stress. A few are included below. To request a specific tool or material, e-mail us.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) maintains an extensive library of high-quality materials on childhood traumatic stress, organized by topic.
About childhood traumatic stress
- Age-Related Reactions to Traumatic Events via NCTSN
- Childhood Traumatic Stress Introduction
- CW360°, Winter 2013, Trauma-Informed Child Welfare Practice (PDF)
- Understanding Childhood Traumatic Stress (PDF)
- VOICES: Hearing from African American Families about Trauma and Service Provision
Video series
Understanding the Impact of Child Traumatic Stress: A Foundational Training for Child Serving Professionals
Ambit network publications
- Spring 2013 Ambit Journal: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (PDF)
- Summer 2009 Ambit Journal: Child Development Policing Program (PDF)
- Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (PDF brochure)
- Understanding Child Traumatic Stress (PDF brochure)
Talking with children about natural disasters and violence
- NASP’s Tips for Student Coping in Unsettling Times
- NCTS Mass Violence Resources
- NCTSN’s Natural Disasters Resources
- NIMH’s Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters
- SAMHSA’s Tips for Talking With and Helping Children and Youth Cope After a Disaster or Traumatic Event
- Sesame Street’s “You Can Ask” Toolkit (geared towards children 0-5)