Tools for Trauma-Informed Organizations

Tools for Trauma-Informed Organizations

A guide to forming advisory boards for family-serving organizations 

Forming an advisory board can feel like adding yet another box to check in the path to getting something done. But a well-planned advisory board will make your work better, not harder, by providing a broader perspective, ensuring you are empowering those you serve, and creating ambassadors for your work.

Family partnership for juvenile-justice professionals

“Family partnership” is an approach to juvenile justice that views families as an untapped resource for understanding and reaching the youth we serve — part of the solution, not the problem. This tool is a brief, practical, and realistic look at the potential benefits of family partnership, and real-world examples of ways that organizations have begun to put these ideas in action.

Trauma Screener Tool 

Many who work with children need to determine whether a child has experienced traumatic stress. In response to this need, Ambit Network has developed a quick, simple, and reliable instrument to screen children for traumatic stress symptoms.

Who can use it?

Anyone who works with children ages 5-18 who may have experienced a traumatic event, including:

  • Clinicians
  • Case workers
  • Educators

How does it work?

The Traumatic Stress Screen for Children and Adolescents (TSSCA) tool features five simple questions to measure children’s traumatic stress. The result will suggest one of three categories: normal, borderline, or requiring further trauma assessment. The tool is based on the UCLA PTSD Index for DSM V.


Please fill out our form below to download our trauma screener.

Trauma Screener Access