Parent Resource Exchange

These resources are aimed to highlight parenting and related products specifically designed for families affected by trauma


As we continue to evolve in an ever-changing world, mental health challenges have become more prominent than ever. In this "I Don't Know How" webinar series, we explore different topics such as trauma, depression, and more to equip parents with tools to navigate and provide support for various mental health conditions. 

Arizona State University Center for Resilient Families & Mental Health America

"I Don't Know How to Help my Child Find Balance" 

Webinar Recording 


"I Don't Know How to Support Youth While Living in a Digital World"

Webinar Recording 

"How do I Prioritize my Mental Health while Parenting?"  

Webinar Recording 


"I Don't Know How to Navigate My Child's Use of Technology" 

Webinar Recording

"I Don't Know How to Handle Holiday Stress" 

Webinar Recording

Know How To Navigate My Child's Worries About Bullying"

 Webinar Recording


"My Child is Suicidal and I Don't Know How To Help" 

Webinar Recording 


Arizona State University Center for Resilient Families & The National Center for Child Traumatic Stress

"I Don't Know How to Have a Happy Holidays"

Webinar Recording 


"I Don't Know How to Address Worries About My Child's Safety at School"

Webinar Recording 

"I Don't Know How to Talk to My Child About Being Safe Online"

Webinar Recording 

"I Don’t Know How to Support My Child through Loss: Multi-Generational Cultural Perspectives"  

Webinar Recording 








Resources in response to tornadoes impacting communities across the US 

In response to the recent tornadoes that are impacting the US, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has developed resources to help. We have develop a tip sheet for parents on how to manage media coverage of tornados and a quick guide of some of the NCTSN resources available for parents, teachers and others helping in the aftermath of these tragic events. 


Getting Help After Trauma: Is My Family Ready?

Families dealing with trauma experiences often benefit from counseling services to help with healing. But with so many things to consider, it can be hard to decide if now is the right time or if it would be better to wait for some time to pass. To address this need, we’ve designed a brief worksheet for families to use. It is based on information shared by families about their own experiences. We hope going through this worksheet will help families make decisions about their readiness to start trauma counseling and feel more prepared when the time comes. 

Resilient Parenting Resources

Interesting books, articles and links to online podcasts and activities that we’ve found that we think you may find interesting and helpful. Pick out the ones that are of interest to you and give them a try. This section provides additional resources for the Practical Tools highlighted on the website.

International Wars and Conflicts: How to support yourself and your family 

International wars and conflict heighten our sense of danger and may cause worry about what will happen in the days and weeks ahead. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has resources to help parents and caregivers talk about the current situation with their children.

Family Time Tip Sheet
Self Compassion 


Tips for Self Kindness


Ideas for Comforting Activities 

"I Don't Know How To Navigate My Child's Worries About Bullying"



"My Child is Suicidal and I Don't Know How To Help" 


"I Don't Know How to Have a Happy Holidays"


"I Don't Know How to Address Worries About My Child's Safety at School" 


"I Don't Know How to Talk to My Child About Being Safe Online" 


"I Don’t Know How to Support My Child through Loss: Multi-Generational Cultural Perspectives"


"How do I Prioritize My Mental Health While Parenting"


"I Don't Know How to Handle Holiday Stress" 


Many who work with children need to determine whether a child has experienced traumatic stress. In response to this need, Ambit Network has developed a quick, simple, and reliable instrument to screen children for traumatic stress symptoms.

Who can use it?

Anyone who works with children ages 5-18 who may have experienced a traumatic event, including:

  • Clinicians
  • Case workers
  • Educators

How does it work?

The Traumatic Stress Screen for Children and Adolescents (TSSCA) tool features five simple questions to measure children’s traumatic stress. The result will suggest one of three categories: normal, borderline, or requiring further trauma assessment. The tool is based on the UCLA PTSD Index for DSM V.


Please fill out our form below to download our trauma screener.

Trauma Screener Access



The ADAPT intervention was developed to support parenting and resilience among military families coping with the stress of deployment and reintegration.

ADAPT is a PMTO program for military families and was originally developed for National Guard and Reserve (NG/R) families, as these families face disparities in access to military-sensitive trauma-informed services, and NG/R service members are at higher risk for mental health problems including suicide. ADAPT has been tested in three randomized trials, two of which are complete, with almost 500 families in total. An RCT evaluating a 14-session group-based ADAPT with 336 families showed that the program improved parents’ parenting (observed and reported), children’s emotional and behavioral adjustment (i.e., PTSD, depression, school, peer, and behavior problems) one year later. These improvements were mediated by improved parenting efficacy at post-test. These improvements in parenting efficacy also reduced parents’ own depression, PTSD symptoms and suicidality at 12 months. ADAPT is also available in online (self-directed) and telehealth (facilitator-directed) formats. An RCT of online ADAPT showed it to be effective in improving parents’ efficacy, parenting, and child adjustment.

To learn more visit:


Coming to a new country is challenging enough, but raising children in a new country can add a whole new level of stress. You want the very best for your kids without losing the very best of your culture. We respect that. Parenting in the Moment is a parenting program designed to help make every moment count when it comes to helping your family thrive.

To learn more visit:

Parenting in the Moment

The Resilient Parenting for Bereaved Families Program (RPBF) Is designed to promote effective parenting and teach useful coping skills following the death of a parent or caregiver.

Being a parent can be difficult. If you are feeling stressed and maybe a little overwhelmed right now - rest assured - you are not alone.

“Resilient parenting” refers to the many things that parents and caregivers do to help their bereaved children deal with their grief and thrive.

To learn more visit:

Resilient Parenting for Bereaved Families


The Center for Resilient Families Conference, "The Power of Parenting: Supporting Children Through Crucial Transitions." 

February 2, 2024,  8:00am - 12:30pm 
ASU SkySong, Scottsdale, Arizona

Who should attend: This conference is relevant to a diverse audience, including psychologists, counselors, social workers, educators, healthcare professionals, military personnel, legal professionals, and parents. If you are committed to enhancing the well-being of children and families during challenging transitions, this conference is for you.