Provider Training & Resources


The Center for Resilient Families aims to advance several evidence-based parenting programs, to improve outcomes for children who have been exposed to traumatic stress.

The ADAPT intervention was developed to support parenting and resilience among military families coping with the stress of deployment and reintegration.

ADAPT is a PMTO program for military families and was originally developed for National Guard and Reserve (NG/R) families, as these families face disparities in access to military-sensitive trauma-informed services, and NG/R service members are at higher risk for mental health problems including suicide. ADAPT has been tested in three randomized trials, two of which are complete, with almost 500 families in total. An RCT evaluating a 14-session group-based ADAPT with 336 families showed that the program improved parents’ parenting (observed and reported), children’s emotional and behavioral adjustment (i.e., PTSD, depression, school, peer, and behavior problems) one year later. These improvements were mediated by improved parenting efficacy at post-test. These improvements in parenting efficacy also reduced parents’ own depression, PTSD symptoms and suicidality at 12 months. ADAPT is also available in online (self-directed) and telehealth (facilitator-directed) formats. An RCT of online ADAPT showed it to be effective in improving parents’ efficacy, parenting, and child adjustment.

To learn more visit:


Coming to a new country is challenging enough, but raising children in a new country can add a whole new level of stress. You want the very best for your kids without losing the very best of your culture. We respect that. Parenting in the Moment is a parenting program designed to help make every moment count when it comes to helping your family thrive.

To learn more visit:

Parenting in the Moment


eNBP is the Nation's Leading Online Research- Based Program for Divorced & Separated Parents.

eNew Beginnings Program teaches tools within the four building blocks of effective parenting after divorce or separation.

1.Positive activities to have more fun with your children

2.Listening tools to get your children to share more

3.Effective tools to decrease your children’s misbehaviors

4.Practical tools to protect your children from conflict with your ex-partner

To learn more visit:

New Beginnings Program

The Resilient Parenting for Bereaved Families Program is designed to promote effective parenting and teach useful coping skills following the death of a parent or caregiver.

The RPBF, designated effective in the Child Trends What Works databank, is designed to promote resilient outcomes of parentally-bereaved youth, with components for caregivers and children (ages 8-16). FPB targets positive parenting practices, caregiver mental health, and youth exposure to negative events. Youth components target relationship quality, positive coping, negative esteem and threat appraisals, adaptive control beliefs, and adaptive emotional expression. The programs consist of 12 two-hour group sessions, with four sessions of conjoint activities for caregivers and youth. The caregiver program includes two 1-hour individual sessions tailored to family needs. RCT data indicate that for families experiencing the violent or sudden death of a parent, the FBP led to improvements in positive parenting, reductions in trauma symptoms in children, and decreased caregiver mental health problems with effects lasting up to 6 years.

To learn more visit:

Resilient Parenting for Bereaved Families

BRIDGES is a family-focused program for middle school students and their parents. It uses evidence-based strategies to increase school engagement and keep teens on a positive path in life to prevent common teen obstacles. Long-term follow-up shows that BRIDGES increases high school graduation rates and reduces drug and alcohol issues in high school.

To learn more visit:



The Center for Resilient Families provides tuition-free training in parent-focused evidence-based practices. To inquire about application materials or deadlines, contact the project co-director

Upcoming training(s):


Getting Help After Trauma: Is My Family Ready?

Families dealing with trauma experiences often benefit from counseling services to help with healing. But with so many things to consider, it can be hard to decide if now is the right time or if it would be better to wait for some time to pass. To address this need, we’ve designed a brief worksheet for families to use. It is based on information shared by families about their own experiences. We hope going through this worksheet will help families make decisions about their readiness to start trauma counseling and feel more prepared when the time comes. 

Many who work with children need to determine whether a child has experienced traumatic stress. In response to this need, Ambit Network has developed a quick, simple, and reliable instrument to screen children for traumatic stress symptoms.

Who can use it?

Anyone who works with children ages 5-18 who may have experienced a traumatic event, including:

  • Clinicians
  • Caseworkers
  • Educators

How does it work?

The Traumatic Stress Screen for Children and Adolescents (TSSCA) tool features five simple questions to measure children’s traumatic stress. The result will suggest one of three categories: normal, borderline, or requiring further trauma assessment. The tool is based on the UCLA PTSD Index for DSM V.


Please fill out our form below to download our trauma screener.

Trauma Screener Access